Discrimination on the Job – Workers Compensation

Discrimination on the Job – California Workers Compensation Law

Workers Compensation Claim

Workers Compensation Claim

Discrimination on the job can cause injury to the worker entitling the injured worker to claim benefits under California workers compensation law. The type of injury usually involved in discrimination situations is one for psychiatric disorder resulting from discriminatory acts at work. Because workers compensation is a no-fault system, the types of discriminatory act is not relevant. The only relevant factors are whether a psychiatric disorder resulted from the employment and whether the employment situation that resulted in the psychiatric disorder was a good faith personnel actions by the employer. If expert medical testimony shows that a psychiatric disorder resulted from work and the cause of the psychiatric disorder is not the result of a good faith personnel action by the employer, then the injured worker is entitled to workers compensation benefits on a pure psychiatric basis even though no physical injury occurred.

Discrimination Case With Concurrent Workers Compensation Claim

When an employee is being discriminated against at work, it is usually a good idea to seek counsel with an experienced employment law attorney to discuss your rights. If the discrimination is causing psychiatric disorder such as anxiety, depression, sleep loss, sexual dysfunction or any other type of disorder originating in the psyche, the workers should also consult with a California workers compensation lawyer. It is likely that the employee will want to file a workers compensation claim as well as other claims for discrimination under California law. If this is the case, the employee will usually need to hire two different attorneys, one for work comp and the other for civil discrimination.

How To Find The Right Work Comp Lawyer For Your Discrimination Case

Workers Compensation Claim Form

Workers Compensation Claim Form

If you have experienced or are experiencing discrimination at work, you should only consider a California workers compensation attorney who will work well with the lawyer you choose to hire for your discrimination case. Because the issues in both cases will be intertwined, the workers compensation lawyer must be vigilant to protect the workers rights in both cases. Many work comp attorneys do not know much about employment discrimination law and do not pay much attention to that aspect of the injured workers case. Make sure you choose a lawyer who will pay the required attention to your workers compensation claim and watch out for trap doors that can come up in the work comp claim that could jeopardize your employment discrimination case.

Hire Attorney Alexander Napolin For Your Case!

Inland Empire workers compensation lawyer Alexander Napolin is trusted and experienced. When you call his office, you will speak to him directly about your claim. It will not take you long to understand why he is so much different than the other work comp law offices out there. When you call, Mr. Napolin will give you a free legal consultation to help you understand your overall legal situation so that you can make the best decision about your course of action. Should you choose to hire Mr. Napolin, he will be with you every step of the way! You can call his direct line right now at 909-962-8414 and he will come to the phone to discuss your case

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