Evaluating Your Workers’ Compensation Claim
Evaluating Your California Workers’ Compensation Claim

Workers’ Compensation Claim
There are many factors to consider when evaluating your workers’ compensation claim for strength and value. Remember, when it comes to claims, lawsuits and litigation, there is no way to know for sure what the outcome of a case will be. Keep the fact that no one knows the future or how a doctor or judge will view an injury or case when evaluating your workers’ compensation claim. With this in mind, there are several factors that are important to evaluating the strength and value of a work comp claim. For a more in depth analysis of your work compensation accident injury situation, contact a workers compensation lawyer. Alexander Napolin is a work comp lawyer serving the Inland Empire. You can call him for a free, confidential and free obligation to discuss any workers compensation claim. When you call 1 (909) 962-8414 come to the phone to discuss your unique work comp situation with you. Or, if you prefer, you can submit a form at www.WorkersCompLawyerIE.com requesting Mr. Napolin to give you a call back within a few hours.
Some Factors For Evaluating Your Work Comp Claim
- Mechanism of Injury (How Did the Injury Come About)
- Witnesses to the Injury (Did Anyone Other Than the Injured Worker See the Incident that Caused the Injury)
- Nature of Injury (What Kind of Injury Occurred)
- Extent of Injury (How Severe is the Injury)
- Apportionment Issues (Preexisting Conditions)
- Third Party Liability (Negligence of Person or Entity Other Than Employer)
- Existence of Workers Compensation Insurance (Was the Employer Uninsured on the Date(s) of the Incident Causing the Injury)
- Negligence of Injured Worker (Did the Worker Cause Their Own Injured Through Intoxication or Gross Negligence)
- Discrimination For Reporting Work Related Injury (Did the Employer Discriminate Against the Employee for Filing a Work Comp Claim)
- Need For Future Medical Treatment (What Treatment Will the Injured Worker Need in the Future)

Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Each of the above-listed factors will affect the value of a workers compensation claim. Although many are listed here, not all are listed and other factors could affect your particular situation. Only by explaining your unique situation with an experienced workers compensation lawyer will you get a true evaluation of your case. Do not go evaluating your workers’ compensation claim on your own with professional help!
Get An Evaluation From A Workers Compensation Lawyer Today!
Mr. Napolin is an experienced workers compensation attorney in the Inland Empire who will provide you with a free consultation if you just pick up the phone and call him at 1 (909) 962-8414. Remember, there is no obligation to hire Mr. Napolin just because you call him for your free case consultation. And, if you do choose to hire him, you only pay him if he recovers money on your claim. All cases are taken on a contingency fee basis, meaning that attorneys fees are paid as a percentage of the monetary recovery of your claim. Why not get some advice directly from an experienced attorney?